Attract Sales Leads with Solution-Based Customer Stories and White Papers
Create a dynamic marketing tool that grants a win-win combination: credibility for you and free publicity for your clients.
Impress ideal customers through a solution case study that’s:
- fact-based
- well-sourced
- plagiarism-free
- demonstrates expertise
- positioned to resonate with target audience
- includes relevant statistics and data
Each Sweet Relief Case Study includes:
- interviews
- an Executive Summary
- your client’s background
- your client’s initial challenges
- your solutions
- your results
- future plans
- call to action(s)
- up to 3 edits, depending on word count
- keywords you provide or we research for an additional fee
- delivery in document form via email or sharing platform
Case study copy is invoiced at a per-word rate. Interviews, topic and keyword research are invoiced at an hourly rate.
Your digital content includes:
- free edits (quantity based on word count)
- SEO optimization using keywords you provide or we furnish for an additional fee
- document delivery via email, shared workspace or direct upload to CMS
- a plagiarism check
- clear and consistent communication throughout your project
- a post – project check-in after 6 months
Share Expertise, Gain Trust & Generate Leads with an Authoritative White Paper
Enjoy the gift that keeps on giving, not only for you but for your target audience. Write a white paper.
As you probably know, white papers:
- generate leads long after publication since they stay on the web indefinitely
- give your targeted customers the useful, original information they’re looking for
- attract decision-makers, or the people persuading them, with facts and figures they can reference over and over, keeping you top of mind
- can be used in other forms of content, increasing ROI by maximizing your initial effort
That said, do you have the time to do the research required to produce your white paper properly? Do you have the writing skills to make it flow?[/vc_column_text]
Take advantage of the following Sweet Relief white paper writing options:
- Backgrounder to provide information about your product or service, how it works and why it benefits your target customer
- Niche Summary to provide context about how your business fits into your industry
- Problem/Solution to establish you as the go-to expert on a chosen subject
- Market Research to provide your target personas with facts and figures they need to make informed buying decisions
Hire a Sweet Relief white paper writer and receive a marketing tool that is:
- targeted directly to your ideal audience
- fact-based
- easily navigated
- detailed
- thoroughly sourced
- demonstrates unquestionable expertise
- objective
- relevant to a question or issue key to your customer
- written by a white paper writer with more than a decade of experience
Your paper will include:
- comprehensive research
- reliable statistics
- relevant data
- up to 4 free edits, depending on word count
- SEO with keywords you provide or we research for an additional fee
- no plagiarism
- delivery in document form via email or shared-file workspace
White papers are invoiced at a per-word rate.